Shipping & Delivery
Due to the current situation with COVID-19, the delivery time will be longer than usual. We’re experiencing logistics holds so any upcoming custom jewelry orders will be delayed until Late February/Early March. I know it can be annoying to wait but I just want to ensure that your package will be delivered and we are doing everything we can to expedite things, as this is not normal at all for us.
Keep in mind our Custom jewelry orders usually take 5-10 days to produce—but they’re so worth the wait!
Estimated Delivery |
Cost |
Carrier |
Estimated Delivery Time: 3-6 weeks |
Free Shipping |
Standard Shipping |
Estimated Delivery Time: 1-3 weeks |
Shipping: US $46.86 |
Estimated Delivery Time: 1-2 weeks |
Shipping: US $57.54 |
Any questions, please email us at or via chat on our website.